Facebooks Learning Phase

If you’re spending $5 – $10 dollars per day on your Facebook ads, you’re wasting your money.

If you go right to the source, it tells you how to exit the learning phase.

“Typically, performance stabilizes after an ad set receives around 50 optimization events within a 7-day period.”

👉 Translation: 50 sales, 50 sign-ups, etc.

These ad platforms are very data intensive, so if it doesn’t have enough optimization events, it never really exists the learning phase and optimizes your campaign.

On a budget? That’s fine.

One method to counter-act this is to shorten your campaign timeframe. So instead of $10 per day for 30 days, try $30 per day for 10 days.

This way, you’ll get some results (aka data) to let you know if the ads are working or not.

This works for lower priced items (i.e. under $200) where people buy more often and without as much deliberation.

Need help with your marketing activities?

If you’re looking to make a move with your marketing, reach out to us. We are priced fairly, we’re straight shooters, and are the very best at what we do.