Graphic Design

Creating that 'wow' factor

There are 3 responses to any design: Yes, No, and Wow

We always strive to deliver that wow factor. We have good instincts and taste in design, and we have high-standards, so if we like it, there’s a strong likelihood it will resonate with your audience.

Celsius package redesign

CPG Package Design

Great package design can help you captivate consumers at first glance and win them over.

Elevate your brand with our expertise in creating clean, modern, and professional designs.

For more information about consumer package goods designs, please visit our CPG Package Design page.

Coca-Cola mockup design

Social media

From static images to video, we are deeply passionate about creating on-brand graphic assets that communicate your message and make your audience stop scrolling.

Candidly, video tends to perform better on organic social so we recommend steering more in that direction.

For more information about social media strategy, please visit our social media page.

How to Use TikTok for B2B Marketing​

Effective paid ads can instantly grab attention and drive conversions.

Enhance your brand’s reach with our expertise in crafting compelling, high-performing ad campaigns.

For more information about consumer package goods designs, please visit our Advertising page.

Note: The following mockups are concepts only and are not intended to represent actual brand collaborations or endorsements. They are purely for creative purposes to showcase package design abilities.

Digital Banners

Eureka A DevSecOps Platform for Secure Applications
Correlate-and-Orchestrate-Eureka DevSecOps Platform
Lamboughini post

OOH Advertising

Advertising is a broad term that can encompass a lot of design elements from:

  • print flyers / mailers
  • brochures
  • signage
  • display ads
  • video
  • billboards
  • business cards, etc.


For more information about advertising, please visit our Advertising page.

Lamboughini post
Lamboughini post

Here’s a concept poster we made for Lamborghini (they did not commission us for this). We used a clean, minimalist style with thin typography and dark tones to create a sense of elegance, sophistication, and mystique. 

We went with the header ‘Worth the Wait’ for a few reasons:

  • Short and concise
  • The two ‘W’s sounds good
  • ‘Worth the weight in gold’ is a common phrase connoting value
  • ‘Worth’ is a word strongly associated with value
  • Subconsciously, it implies that someone may have aspired for such an automobile their entire lives, now that they’ve reached a point in their finances where they can finally afford it, that dream can be realized. It was worth the wait.
  • Could also imply this was a car enthusiasts were anticipating all year, and now that it has finally arrived, it creates a strong psychological release (aka demand)
Slushee Ad Redesign

I found this OOH advertisement in my neighbourhood and thought I’d try my hand at redesigning it.

My approach was to tap into the emotions of adults who may have nostalgia for slushees.

In marketing, nostalgia is a powerful motivator. My room is filled with things I couldn’t afford growing up – sneakers, toys, comics, trading cards, clothes…


Timex billboard Ewanity Marketing


Timex billboard Ewanity Marketing

My take on Timex’s copy is:

  • It’s too wordy for a billboard
  • The watch is too small
  • The logo is too small

People are likely driving by 60-100 km per hour. There’s no way they will read all that small and wordy copy, nor see the watch and logo.

Now, to be fair, if this were to be placed in front of a café in a busy downtown core, then it may work.

I would suggest rewriting the copy as either: 

  • No More Annoying Notifications; or
  • 100% fewer notifications

It gets the same message across with fewer words.

I would also blow everything up (the product shot, text, and logo).

I like using negatives in copy such as ‘no more’ or ‘fewer’. Studies show using negatives in copy is proven to be a lot more engaging.

My version is much more short and concise. It’s also less on the nose – it makes the audience have to work for it a bit, which will help it resonate.

Local Zoom OOH posters Ewanity Marketing


Esso Touchless Wash Sign

After (v1)

esso carwash sign redesign

After (v2)

esso carwash sign redesign

Redesigning an Esso carwash sign. Here are some of the issues we found with the original.

👉 Off-centre text (Instructions and Thank You)

👉 The tiger is off-brand

👉 I get the tiger is shaking off water, but it adds to the clutter

👉 Too many soap bubbles (adds unnecessary clutter)

👉 The title ‘Instructions’ is unnecessary

👉 Makes poor use of hierarchy

👉 The ‘Thank you’ is unnecessary

👉 The icons are misaligned with the accompanying text

👉 There is one fewer icons than text

👉 The icons are unnecessary (adds clutter without providing value)

👉 One of the instructions could be broken up into two separate points

👉 Enter wash code has a period, others do not

👉 The spacing between instructions is inconsistent

👉 Poor utilization of space

Version 1 is more consistent with their current sign, it’s lighter and more playful. Version 2 was inspired by their gift card and is darker and more ‘serious’. 

Website Design & Development

We have a whole webpage dedicated to web design and development. To see more examples, click here.


Axe Body Spray Webpage Redesign


Axe Body Spray Webpage Redesign

For more details about the Axe Body Spray redesign, please visit here.

Content Marketing Materials

From blog content, infographics, ebooks, white papers, podcast graphics, and case studies, we do it all.

Content and copywriting is one of our core specialties. For more information, please visit our Content & Copywriting page.

Snowflake case study Infostrux
Snowflake White Paper

Logos & Branding

When it comes to logo design, the key is to create something that is simple, yet memorable. Think of logos from Nike, Apple, Amazon, Target, Twitter, Adidas, Louis Vuitton… none of these logos are complex or difficult to reproduce, but they are among the world’s best logos. You don’t even need to have the word ‘Nike’ next to the swoosh to know what the brand is and what it represents.

When designing logos, we strive to create something that is iconic, that can stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the swoosh or the apple.

It’s no easy task, but we’re up for the challenge!

For more information about branding, please visit our branding page.

Ewanity Marketing Vancouver, BC Canada
Ewanity Marketing Vancouver, BC, Canada
VA Club logo Ewanity Marketing
Pond logo concept Ewanity Marketing
Rapport logo
Kings logo Ewanity Marketing
Fabric logo concept Ewanity Marketing
BB logo concept Ewanity Marketing
Epic Plot Twist Games

In 1985, Steve Jobs left Apple and founded Next.

As Jobs was known for strong branding, he needed a visual identity for his new company.

He enlisted the help of famed logo designer, Paul Rand.

Jobs asked Rand to provide a few options for the logo.

Rand refused.

He said, “No, I will solve your problem for you, and you will pay me. You don’t have to use the solution. If you want options, go talk to other people.”

Jobs paid Rand $100,000 for one logo. Whether he used it or not, was up to him.

I thought it would be fun to take on this task. If I were a competing design firm, what logo would I present.

The arrow icon in the centre can also be used separately as a logo mark.

Book Covers

As mentioned in our about us section, our founder, Ewan is an author of 17 books under the pen name Edward Mullen.

We designed the cover art for all the books. For more information, please click here.

Zero Edward Mullen
The Secret Manuscript Edward Mullen
The Rider Edward Mullen
Africa Edward Mullen
The Art of the Hustle Edward Mullen
The Art of the Hustle 2 Edward Mullen
I am Rome Edward Mullen
Eden Edward Mullen
Prodigy Edward Mullen
Prodigy Eternal Edward Mullen
Prodigy Returns Edward Mullen
How to Write a Novel Edward Mullen


John Updike Always Looking Essays on Art Chip Kidd


Always Looking John Updike Essays on Art

The cover on the left is the original book cover for Always Looking, by John Updike, designed by legendary book cover designer, Chip Kidd (designer of Michael Crichton’s Jurassic Park cover among many others).