Is fear and self-doubt holding you back from being more active on social?

Years ago, before I hit the post button, I would always think of a few of my connections.

My internal dialogue would go something like this:

‘What would <name> think of me when they see this? I don’t want them to think I’m lame. I’d better not post.’

The reality is:

👉 That person probably doesn’t even think about you or care what you post; or

👉 They do think about you, they do think your lame, but who cares?

I get it, to be a respected member of society, we have to care what people think to some extent. This was one of Crito’s main arguments to Socrates in Plato’s work ‘Crito’.

Our reputation is how we earn friendships, partnerships, advance in our careers…

That little voice in our heads telling us, ‘don’t stand out, blend in’ has purpose in many aspects of society. It’s human nature, it’s ingrained in us, it’s evolutionary.

So, for many of us, it takes a lot to overcome that voice. People who stand up and speak open themselves for judgement, criticism, embarrassment, exposing their thoughts, feelings, and intelligence. It’s scary.

There are studies that show that people aren’t thinking of you as much as you think, and if they are, it’s rarely as negative as you think.

We need more voices in the world like yours. Be open. Be weird. Be silly. Be authentic. Be different. Be you.

Just post!

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