How to Use the Internal Champions Method to Persuade Decision Makers

How to Use the Internal Champions Method to Persuade Decision Makers

How to Use the Internal Champions Method to Persuade Decision Makers When you are using the internal champion method to sell your product or service, why leave it in the hands of that champion’s ability to persuade and articulate your value to the decision maker in that company? In many cases, you have two target […]

The Truth About Influencer Marketing

Don't Use Demographics, Use Valuegraphics Instead

The Truth About Influencer Marketing If you’re thinking about including influencer marketing into your mix, a word of caution – influencer marketing is expensive and may not be appropriate for small teams with lean budgets. What tends to work best with influencer marketing is saturation i.e. lots of micro-influencers over a month or two. Large […]

How to Implement User-centered Design Principles to Build a Culture of Empathy and Collaboration

People working together on the computers in the office

How to Implement User-centered Design Principles to Build a Culture of Empathy and Collaboration Want to implement user-centered design principles to build a culture of empathy and collaboration?  Implementing user-centered design principles is not just about creating products that meet user needs; it also involves fostering a culture of empathy and collaboration within the development […]

What Makes a Good Billboard?​

What makes a good billboard?

What Makes a Good Billboard? Creating a successful billboard ad involves capturing attention quickly, delivering a clear message, and making a lasting impression. Here are some key elements that contribute to a good billboard ad: Simplicity: Keep the message simple and focused. A billboard has limited space, and people typically have only a few seconds […]

What is OOH and DOOH Advertising?

What is OOH and DOOH Advertising?

What is OOH and DOOH Advertising? OOH stands for “Out-of-Home,” and OOH advertising refers to any promotional or marketing material that reaches the consumer while they are outside their home. It encompasses a variety of media formats that target people when they are on the go, in public places, or commuting. OOH advertising is designed […]

Developer Marketing: What Developers Care About

Why are you not on TikTok Live Yet

Developer Marketing: What Developers Care About If you’ve spent any meaningful time in this space, then you know developers are a tricky bunch.  They ignore ads or use ad blockers They don’t open or respond to emails They aren’t interested in fluffy blogs that lack substance They don’t show up to webinars They couldn’t care […]

What Are the Differences Between B2B and B2C Marketing?

What Are the Differences Between B2B and B2C Marketing?

What Are the Differences Between B2B and B2C Marketing? B2B (business-to-business) and B2C (business-to-consumer) marketing are two distinct approaches used by companies to promote and sell their products or services to different types of customers. Here are the key differences between B2B and B2C marketing: Target Audience: B2B Marketing: Targets other businesses or organizations as […]

What is Product-Led Growth and How to Use it to Acquire and Retain Customers

Case Study: Attribution Software Inaccurately Overweighs Search (SEO)

What is Product-Led Growth and How to Use it to Acquire and Retain Customers What is Product-Led Growth (PLG)? Product-led growth (PLG) is a go-to-market strategy that places the product at the center of the customer acquisition, retention, and expansion efforts. It relies on the inherent value, usability, and functionality of the product itself to […]

What is Attraction Marketing? And Why is it So Effective?

What is Attraction Marketing? And Why is it So Effective?

What is Attraction Marketing? And Why is it So Effective? Why is ‘attraction marketing’ so effective? Let’s start with a quote by Jeffrey Gitomer. “People love to buy, but they hate to be sold to.” That’s way pushing products or services onto people rarely works. Attraction marketing is all about: 👉 Building authentic relationships👉 Offering […]

Struggle with Procrastination? Try this Productivity Hack

Struggle with Procrastination? Try this Productivity Hack

Struggle with Procrastination? Try This Productivity Hack Here’s a productivity hack I use that may be helpful if you: 👉 Procrastinate👉 Struggle with writer’s block👉 Your mind wanders and you easily lose focus👉 Go stir crazy👉 Constantly start new tasks but don’t finish them👉 Miss deadlines👉 Etc. At the core of a lot of these […]