The Greatest Salesman in the World

Ewanity Marketing Vancouver

The Greatest Salesman in the World The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino is a narrative that follows the journey of Hafid, a young and ambitious camel boy living in ancient Jerusalem. The story begins with Hafid, who dreams of becoming the greatest salesman in the world. His aspirations lead him to seek […]

Redesigning OOH Advertising

Slushee Ad Redesign

Redesigning OOH Advertising I found this OOH advertisement in my neighbourhood and thought I’d try my hand at redesigning it. My approach was to tap into the emotions of adults who may have nostalgia for slushees. In marketing, nostalgia is a powerful motivator. My room is filled with things I couldn’t afford growing up – […]

Marketing is Not Easy!​

Simple design Barbie Billboard New York

Marketing is Not Easy! In its simplest definition, marketing is about doing the right activities consistently, over time. So, if your marketing isn’t working, perhaps: You’re doing the wrong kinds of activities You aren’t consistent enough Not enough time has past Take a movie, for example. If it were easy to get people to see […]

Don’t Be Like Coach – A Lesson in Customer Support

Coach-customer complaint

Don’t Be Like Coach – A Lesson in Customer Support Coach is getting crushed on #TikTok right now. Long story, short: A customer talked about her negative experience with their customer support. Her bag had a broken strap, so she brought it in for repair. They charged her $108, then after several weeks, they sent […]

Never Underestimate the Power of a Long Walk

Never underestimate the power of a long walk

Never Underestimate the Power of a Long Walk Never underestimate the power of a long walk. In my book, The Art of the Hustle, the character (loosely based on me) would go on long walks. This is 💯 true, so I had to put it in the book. When I first moved to Vancouver, I […]

Finding Your Purpose


Finding Your Purpose This is me in 1999, at the ripe age of 17. I had just finished high school and had absolutely no plan. I would have said yes to pretty much any opportunity to come my way just to give my life some kind of direction and meaning. It didn’t have to be […]

How McDonald’s Changed How Their Customers Order to Increase Revenue

McDonald's Touchscreen

How McDonald’s Changed How Their Customers Order to Increase Revenue What if we change how our customers buy, could we not only enhance the buying experience, but also get them to spend more? 🤔 For those who follow me, you’ll know that I’m not a big fan of sales calls. I’d much rather just get […]

Normal Training Gets You Normal Results

"Normal training gets your normal results." - David Goggins

Normal Training Gets You Normal Results (Determined: Image by David Watson and Midjourney) “Normal training gets you normal results.” – David Goggins One thing that ‘experience’ doesn’t account for is what you did during that time. One person’s 5 years of experience may look very different than another person’s. 👉 How many hours did they […]

Don’t Use Demographics, Use Valuegraphics Instead

Don't Use Demographics, Use Valuegraphics Instead

Don’t Use Demographics, Use Valuegraphics Instead For too long, marketers look to demographics to understand their consumers. However, this approach is flawed and perpetuates stereotypes. So you found out that 82% of your followers are women… What are you going to do with that information? Make everything pink? As ridiculous as these questions sound, a […]

Startup Marketing Dilemma: The Cost-Patience Paradox


Startup Marketing Dilemma: The Cost-Patience Paradox Two constants in marketing are: 👉 Marketing requires patience 👉 Marketing is expensive These two facts are at odds with each other, especially in start-up environments where there is often not enough runway to wait around for the marketing to take flight. So what do you do? It’s situation […]