How to Maximize Your Virality on Social Media

A friend of mine posted a minute-long clip of her kid on Insta.

It was a good clip, did okay (200 views), but at the 50 second mark, it was great.

I told them, “Hey, may I suggest you make a second video of just the last 10 seconds?”

She took my advice. Less than 24 hours, boom, 50,000+ views.

She couldn’t believe it.

I said, let’s not stop there. Now take that same clip and remix it with these three songs in three separate videos.

  • Video 1 – 100k+ views
  • Video 2 – 110k+ views
  • Video 3 – 200k+ views

I said, let’s not stop there. Take that minute long video and cut it up into six new videos.

Those blew up.

I said, let’s not stop there. Let’s go back through all your content and repeat this same process. Let’s find the gold and segment all your long videos into shorter videos and remix them with different audio.

I said, let’s not stop there. Now that we know what your audience wants, let’s create new content similar to the content that went viral.

I said, let’s not stop there. Let’s take all your best clips and repost them on TikTok (a platform she wasn’t previously on) and YouTube Shorts.

She did and those clips went viral on those platforms as well.

I talk about the 3 Rs – Remix, Repost, and Repurpose, and the 3 Second Rule all the time.

This was a classic example of how my friend’s small account (mostly her friends follower her) to exploding on three different platforms simply by following the those two principles.

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