Beware of This Sneaky Trick LinkedIn Uses to Get You to Spend More Money

LinkedIn Ads are a scam

I knew something was wrong with my LinkedIn Ads campaign, because the numbers weren’t adding up.

At first glance, it may appear as though you are absolutely crushing it on LinkedIn Ads. Naturally, you invest more money. The sad truth is that hardly any of your LinkedIn Ads may actually be on LinkedIn.

When running LinkedIn ads, ensure LinkedIn Audience Network is disabled.

Otherwise, your ads will not actually be shown on LinkedIn.

Instead, they will mostly be shown on some mysterious 3rd-party sites (LinkedIn doesn’t actually disclose which sites they are).

In your report, click on 👉 Breakdown > On/Off Network.

Notice in the image above that nearly 100% of my spend is off LinkedIn.

I also believe these 3rd-party websites use bots to click on your ads to drive up CTR and Clicks to Website.

If you look at the source traffic on your website in Google Analytics, the numbers don’t add up.

When running a LinkedIn Campaign, go to Placement and turn off LinkedIn Audience Network.


While you’re at it, you can also set your Location to Permanent location, as well as disable Enable Audience Expansion Read More.

Related: Stop Wasting Money on Google Ads

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