Crafting a Brand Story

Crafting a Brand Story
How Patek Philippe Could Use Storytelling Marketing

How Patek Philippe Could Use Storytelling Marketing
Do CPG Brands Need a Podcast?

How to Up Your Content Marketing Game
You Either Have a Brand, or You Have a Commodity (Part 2)

Imagine having a brand so strong, that your packaging becomes the product.
You Either Have a Brand, or You Have a Commodity

You Either Have a Brand, or You Have a Commodity
Your Brand is Your Reputation

We have a problem…
I talk a lot about the power of branding and how you need a promise, a personality, an experience, a story… to set you apart from the rest.
The Power of Branding: John’s Family Premium Garlic

Let me show what the power of branding can do for a commodity.
First, what is a commodity?
Why You Don’t Want to Run a Business that Relies Solely on Ads

There’s a very famous saying in marketing, perhaps you’ve heard it. It goes…
“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.”
Chrome Hearts Case Study: Bucking Trends and Being Authentic

Chrome Hearts is a fascinating case study into marketing and branding. To say they take an unconventional approach to marketing and branding would be an understatement.
From Zero to Self-Sufficiency: Building a Startup from the Ground Up

Does your business have enough financial runway for liftoff?