People Love to Buy, They Hate to be Sold


The Power of Indirect Selling: A Strategy for B2B SaaS Companies

Consumers are bombarded with advertisements at every turn. As a result, the traditional methods of direct selling have become less effective. Email marketing open rates have been in a steady state of decline, cost per clicks have gone up, ROAS has gone down, growing organically on social is nearly impossible… It seems it’s harder and harder to reach your customers. They have been conditioned to ignore or block ads, set up spam filters, skip ads, etc.

This is because people love to buy, but they hate feeling like they are being sold to. This is especially true in the B2B SaaS space, where decision-makers are looking for solutions that stand out from the noise. Enter the strategy of indirect selling – a subtle yet powerful way to attract and engage potential customers without overtly pushing your product.

Social media is all about creating content, not ads.

So your product does not need to be the main focal point of the video, it could be something casually in the foreground or background, and not even mentioned at all. This repeat exposure with seep into people’s sub-conscious and create higher brand recall. 

We’re trying to create awareness and trust, not sales. Sales comes later.

Continue reading: Influencer Marketing Framework: A Step-by-Step Guide

Leveraging TikTok for B2B SaaS Marketing

Recently, I crafted a comprehensive strategy document for a B2B SaaS client, focusing on innovative ways to connect with their audience. One of the key recommendations was to start posting actively on TikTok, a platform that, while commonly associated with younger demographics, is rapidly becoming a valuable space for businesses to engage with a broader audience.

Why TikTok?

TikTok offers a unique opportunity for businesses to create engaging, authentic content that resonates with viewers. The platform’s algorithm promotes content based on engagement rather than follower count, allowing even new accounts to gain significant traction.

Creating Video Series

To maximize impact, I proposed creating different video series. These series can cover various aspects of the industry, offer valuable insights, or showcase behind-the-scenes content. The key is consistency and creativity, ensuring that each video provides value and captures the viewer’s interest.

The Importance of an Individual Presence

One of the more unconventional suggestions was to avoid using the company’s name when starting the TikTok account. Instead, I recommended creating the account under an individual’s name, whether real or fictitious. This approach humanizes the brand and makes the content more relatable. People connect with people, not logos.

Avoiding Direct Product Mentions

A critical aspect of this strategy is to never talk directly about the product. Instead, the focus should be on showcasing the product’s capabilities or highlighting what it does in a subtle manner. For example, you might demonstrate a solution to a common problem in your industry, and naturally, the product is part of that solution. The goal is to pique curiosity and encourage viewers to ask questions in the comments.

The Rise of AI and the Return to Traditional Tactics

As AI continues to advance, its influence on digital marketing is becoming increasingly pervasive. From generating content to automating email campaigns and creating ads, AI tools are revolutionizing how businesses reach their audiences. AI can also produce video and audio content, making it easier than ever for companies to maintain a consistent online presence.

AI-Driven Content Creation

AI tools are capable of creating high-quality content at a scale and speed that humans cannot match. These tools can write blog posts, design graphics, and even generate social media updates, allowing marketers to focus on strategy and innovation rather than repetitive tasks.

Automation in Email Marketing and Advertising

AI-powered platforms can automate email marketing campaigns, segmenting audiences and personalizing messages to increase engagement. Similarly, AI can optimize ad placements and budgets in real-time, ensuring maximum ROI with minimal manual intervention.

AI in Video and Audio Production

Creating engaging video and audio content is no longer a labor-intensive process. AI tools can generate scripts, produce voiceovers, and edit videos, enabling brands to quickly produce high-quality multimedia content.

The Shift Towards Traditional Marketing Tactics

Despite the efficiencies and capabilities of AI, there is a growing sentiment that these automated methods lack the authenticity and personal touch that traditional marketing tactics offer. Consumers are becoming more discerning and can often tell when interactions are automated rather than genuine. This has led to a renewed interest in traditional marketing approaches that emphasize human connection.

Face-to-Face Interactions

Meeting someone in person, looking them in the eye, and shaking their hand creates a level of trust and rapport that digital interactions struggle to replicate. In-person meetings, networking events, and trade shows allow for more meaningful connections and conversations.

Building Authentic Relationships

Hearing a person’s voice and engaging in direct conversation fosters authenticity and trust. Phone calls, video calls, and in-person meetings enable businesses to build stronger relationships with their clients and partners.

The Value of Human Touch

In an era dominated by digital noise, the human touch is becoming increasingly valuable. Personal interactions convey empathy, understanding, and genuine interest, qualities that are difficult for AI to mimic. By incorporating more traditional tactics, businesses can differentiate themselves and build deeper, more trusting relationships with their audience.

Sell Without Selling: The Art of Indirect Selling

Indirect selling is a powerful technique where the product is showcased without overtly trying to sell it. This method leverages curiosity and the power of engagement. When viewers ask about the product in the comments, it’s an opportunity to engage with them directly and provide information in a way that feels natural and helpful rather than pushy.

Examples of Indirect Selling on TikTok

  • Demonstrations: Create videos demonstrating a common problem in your industry and subtly show how your product solves it without mentioning the product’s name.
  • Educational Content: Share industry tips, tricks, or insights. Use your product as part of the solution but focus on the educational aspect rather than the product itself.
  • Behind-the-Scenes: Give viewers a glimpse into your company culture, development processes, or success stories, subtly integrating your product into these narratives.

Indirect Selling: A Strategic Approach

Indirect selling is not just a trend; it’s a strategic approach that aligns with the way modern consumers make purchasing decisions. By leveraging platforms like TikTok and focusing on creating valuable, engaging content, B2B SaaS companies can build trust, foster curiosity, and ultimately drive sales without the need for hard sells. Remember, the goal is to let your audience come to you, eager to learn more about the solutions you offer.

By embracing the principles of indirect selling, your brand can stand out in a crowded marketplace and build meaningful connections with potential customers.

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