28 days ago I started posting video content on my YouTube channel. So far, I have 9 subscribers and one of them is my wife. Everyone starts at the same place: with zero followers. But not everyone starts. Now, I’m no stranger to posting video content, I’ve been doing it for over a decade. But due to a lack of time, I didn’t really invest into my Ewanity Marketing YouTube channel until recently.
If you’re just starting out, I assume you have a lot of self-doubt: “I don’t know what to post,” “What if I suck?” “What will people think…”
Ignore all the outside thoughts, and assume your first 100 videos are going to suck. This is actually quite liberating. We don’t care what people think, and we’ve given ourselves permission to suck. Just post.
In your first 100 videos, here’s what you will gain, you will:
π Learn your voice
π Overcome fear of judgement
π Get better equipment
π Learn better filming & editing techniques
π Better understand your craft / industry
π Become a more confident speaker
π Learn what works and what doesn’t work
π Meet new people
π Attract new business
π Potentially insulate yourself from future job loss
And the list goes on and on.
I encourage you all to post more on the platforms in which you consume content.
Maybe your life won’t change in 28 days, or even in the first year, but keep at it, amazing things can happen.