Is this a Good Ad?

Is this a good ad

We can only evaluate an ad’s effectiveness based on data – high CTR, low CPMs, high hook rate, high conversion rate, high ROAS, etc.

5-Step Plan to Build a Content Distribution System

how to approach SEO in 2023

Your company needs content, but you’re struggling with creating a content distribution plan for video and blog content. You’ve come to the right place. A well-thought-out content distribution plan is crucial for maximizing the reach and impact of your blog and video content. This is a topic I know a lot about – I was […]

How to Use the Internal Champions Method to Persuade Decision Makers

How to Use the Internal Champions Method to Persuade Decision Makers

When you are using the internal champion method to sell your product or service, why leave it in the hands of that champion’s ability to persuade and articulate your value to the decision maker in that company? In many cases, you have two target personas: 👉 the end-user (internal champion) 👉 the buyer (their boss) Imagine the […]

Developer Marketing: What Developers Care About

Why are you not on TikTok Live Yet

If you’ve spent any meaningful time in this space, then you know developers are a tricky bunch.  They ignore ads or use ad blockers They don’t open or respond to emails They aren’t interested in fluffy blogs that lack substance They don’t show up to webinars They couldn’t care less about your free trials or […]